Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's be real......

Welcome to my newest blogging adventure!  My first and main blog, Simplify Your Family, has been around for more than two years and I believe it has been a blessing to me and many others.  Now my family is in a new season of our life, the big H word, Homeschooling.  Before I started this new adventure, while I was still pondering it and praying about it (and honestly telling God NO for a couple years), I came across some really great blogs about homeschooling.  Some of those blogs and websites were wonderful and really encouraged and motivated me, while others just made me feel like I wasn't doing enough or gave me the vision that homeschooling was going to be perfect, beautiful and just like the pictures in magazines.  But you know what, that is not homeschooling in any way!  Yes we have a wonderful beautiful days, but from the outside they probably don't look so beautiful.  We also have our rough, emotional, stressful, don't-think-I-can-take-it-anymore days and that is the reason I have created this blog.  To be real, honest, down to earth with you all about homeschooling.  Hopefully we can all laugh, cry, love and support each other through this idea of being real.  Because in the end that is what we all need right?  We need to see each other through every moment of life, not just the good ones and not just the bad either.  So I pray this blog can be a nice balance of both and bring us together and grow our homeschools that much stronger.

So, homeschool mommas, how was your school day today?  Be honest, transparent and real and I promise to be the same with you :)

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