Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fire Prevention - A week late

Here are some quick pictures of our kids painting their fire truck.  We had so much fun with this.  And L had fun painting herself!

Please don't judge, we still need to add the wheels! Ooops!

Monday, October 29, 2012

My Kiddos

So I thought I would introduce you to my kids!  You can read more about them and how I came up with their blog names on my other site, Simplify Your Family. But I thought you all may want know who I am talking about when I say, my oldest daughter, or, the baby, etc.
First there is our oldest, as we call him here, Yacko.   He is bright, kind, loving, total Type A and a huge ball of energy.

 Next is our oldest daughter, Dot.   She has such a big heart, strong willed and definitely not a Type A, she is 100% type B.  She loves keeping up with her brothers and pretending to be a tomboy, but also loves her barbies, her dolls, helping with her little sister and helping mommy in the kitchen. 

 Third is our youngest son, Wacko.  He is so much joy in so many ways.  He can make you smile just by smiling at you.  He loves all things boy and looks up to his daddy and older brother tremendously.

And last, but certainly not least (she wouldn't let us forget), is our sweet baby L.  She is so sweet and portrays all things baby I believe.  She has a huge heart but also strong willed like her sister, and maybe even more.  She went through some trials after birth with oxygen etc but God has truly healed her and has no problems health wise to this date.  She is our allergy child though.  Allergic to wheat, dairy, milk and eggs.  She definitley keeps us on our feet and we wouldn't have it any other way, because her hugs are the best.
Please share your family with me!  I would love to know about you and your family, share it in the comments below and may we be a blessing to each other!

Keep it REAL with HIM

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal- October 27th, 2012

In my life this week…

Looking forward to a somewhat slow, easy week coming up.  No, we do not have the week off, but soccer has ended and so there is no where we have to go this week.  Really looking forward to family time!

In our homeschool this week…

Okay, so you know how last week I posted that we had just completed a unit study on Fire Prevention and I was looking forward to getting back into a normal schedule.  Well....that didn't happen so easily this week with me or the kids.  It went well and okay I guess but we definitely need one more week to get back to the grind and swing of things.

We did have a pretty great time making a bird feeder though, and have really enjoyed watching the birds from our carport.  So many different varieties of beautiful creatures God made.
We also got a class pet this week.  We now are the proud owners of a Black Moor Goldfish! (give us a break, it's the only pet I can handle right now)  The kids are loving it and it is helping teach them diligence (our character study for last week).

I am praying for…

my family.  There is a lot going on right now with my side of the family.  Health issues, dealing with loss, etc so they are greatly on my heart and in my prayers right now and always.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

We will be doing some trunk or treat this week for sure and going to go visit with my wonderful grandfather for a bit.

My favorite thing this week was…

seeing God show me exactly what I needed in His word for a devotion I am preparing for.

I’m making…

some crocheted dish clothes and blankets for Christmas presents!  And hopefully finishing my oldest daughter's hat sometime soon!

I’m grateful for...

my children.  They are definitely God's gift to me.  I ran into an old high school friend tonight and she asked how many kids I had and when I told her 4, her reply was "oh I'm sorry".  I was so shocked!  My children are a HUGE blessing to me and have made me who I am today through God working through them. I love each and every one.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

We also visited the duckpond this week and this is how our little 21month old left.  No shirt and dirty pants!  Yeah, she about fell in the pond!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

5 things to do on the days you just can't...

What do you do on the days of school that you just can't go anymore.  You can't stand to see one more worksheet, one more math problem, or one more baby standing on top of the table.  You just plan out don't want to do school that day.

Well that was us today, and what did we do?

5 year old is being a bird !

We have been studying about birds and feathers the last few weeks in Science, so what better than an impromptu field trip to the Duck Pond with my loves! 

We did bring our math books in the car and worked on it on the way, along with some reading, but once we arrived at the Duck Pond we were free.  Free to explore His amazing creation.  His beautiful scenery and His animals of all different beautiful varieties.   We were able to look at the ducks spread their wings, check out their feathers and like I said, see all their different varieties.

Can someone please tell me what kind of bird this is?  We can't figure it out
We took pictures to come back home and draw what we saw in our Nature Journals.  We also were able to check a few more things off our Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt list! 

So I thought I would put a list together for you (and me!) of things you can do when you just need something different:
  1. Like I said, Impromptu Field Trips.  It doesn't have to be anything that costs money.  A trip to the library is great.  How about the Fire Station or daddy's work.  Or maybe like we did, you have an area pond or river you can visit.  Keep it Simple!
  2. Bake, Bake, Bake!  There is so much math you can derive from baking.  Weight, fractions, adding, multiplying (if you are doubling the recipe), etc.  Also, if you have your child read the recipe, there's your reading lesson for the day!
  3. Go on a Nature Walk.  I know the last thing you want to do sometimes when you are tired is go on a walk, but really every time I get my butt up off the couch and go for a walk, I feel 10X better when I get back.  Some how I always have more energy after the walk and a clearer head.  It must be those endorphins ;)
  4. Have a free craft day.  I know, I am not the one that would usually suggest this.  I am not the crafty one.  I do not enjoy crafts much at all.  I despise them so much most of the time that I only have us do Art/crafts one day out of the week.  But if you are having one of those days that you just don't want to fight over that math problem/ writing project again, then bring out the craft box and let them have a go at it!  You will most likely be amazed with the things they make, from what YOU have taught them.  Let them use their imagination and you get back some of your sanity.
  5. Above all else, PRAY for your homeschool so you don't burn out.  Prayer is the main ingredient to a successful homeschool I believe, and something I, honestly, could be doing more of.  So let's not forget the One who called us to this position in the first place and go to Him with all our worries, exhaustion, tears, struggles and let Him give us the wisdom and strength to carry on.
What suggestions would you have?  What do you do on days where you are close to burnout?
I would love to hear them because I need more ideas!
And this is how our day ended.  What better way to end it then mud on the jeans and no shirt because you feel in the bushes!  That's a good day!

Keep it REAL with HIM

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal October 20, 2012

In my life this week…

This week was interesting and busy.  From soccer practices, games, ordering trophies and getting pictures for 2 soccer teams, plus throw a dentist appointment in there, it was an interesting one.  My husband was also gone for work one night this week, so it was a very busy week to say the least.

In our homeschool this week…

We changed things up a bit this week and did a whole week devoted to a unit study.  We had our own Fire Prevention Week and we learned all about firefighters, robots, the history of firefighters, and even some Firefighter Math.  I really kind of enjoyed it but I am ready to get back to my regular routine and schedule.

I am inspired by…

this new website I found and this new way (well to us new) of eating.  WHOLE FOODS.  The website I found is 100 Days of Real Food.  I am exciting about maybe trying this, it will have to be in baby steps though.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

This coming week, not much planned so far.  This is the last week of soccer, so that should be fun.  We will have our end of the session soccer parties next weekend.

My favorite thing this week was…

watching my kids painting their fire truck.  They take such joy in tactile learning.

I’m cooking…

Right now I am cooking some homemade Cinnamon Rolls and Crockpot Breakfast Casserole for my Sunday School class in the morning.

I’m grateful for...

my husband.  I say this often, but I am VERY thankful for him.  He isn't perfect but he is there for me when no one else probably would be.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

"Joy, it comes in the mother who doesn’t think twice to do the unthinkable, to do the unlikely, the unlovely, the unheard of — who lives the Gospel. "- Ann Voskamp

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal- October 12

In my life this week…

I went from feeling wonderful and full of energy, to almost getting sick and then to complete exhaustion this week.  Fun, huh?  
I had a meeting with my wonderful fellow mentors in YoungLives this week.  Love those ladies.  They encourage, challenge and make me laugh all in one!  Always look forward to those meetings.
To find out more about this amazing ministry, check out this page here.

In our homeschool this week…

This week was a lot of catching up on what we had missed last week.  My wonderful dear grandfather passed away last week and I just couldn't focus on much of anything for much of the week so some things had to be postponed til this week.

We have been learning about the Early U.S., and pilgrims and Indians and all that fun stuff.  We also have been learning more about birds this week in our Flying Animals of the 5th Day study.  We spoke of what a bird call and song is and what it means.

I am inspired by…

my grandfather, and what an amazing man he was.  I miss him so much.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

I am thinking of doing more of a study on Fire Prevention this next week.  I know I'm a week late but who cares.  So I am thinking of taking the kids to the Fire Department at some point this next week.
We will also be going to our local Pumpkin Festival this coming Saturday with a bunch of awesome YoungLives girls!  So excited for that .

My favorite thing this week was…

Our study on tepees and when we made our own model tepees.

Oh and when Layla AND Marshall read 3 sentences to me!

What’s not working for us…

LIBBY, our baby!  Nah, just kinding.  She is working great for us, I just need to find some more things to keep her entertained during my time with the others.

I’m cooking…

Not much cooking went on in my house this week.  Kinda one of those blah weeks where I just didn't feel like cooking, so hubby cooked a lot more than usual.

I’m grateful for....

a child's forgiveness and how quickly they are to forgive.  Shouldn't we all be that way?

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

This video is Libby doing the motions we made up to go with Psalm 119:11.  She learned this all on her own just by watching us.  I thought it was just too cute.

Ever had one of THOSE days?.....

Ever feel like this picture in the middle of a school day?  Well you know how at the beginning of this week I was talking about how great things were going and things were going since we "switched it up"?  I should have known this would happen not long after writing that post.  Friday was a completely different day.

The morning started off wonderful.  We started our school day in the Word and learning more about our character trait for the week.  This week's character trait was selflessness, and so in order to practice selflessness, we made some cookies to give to the kids great grandfather who just lost his wife in April.  Things were going so good, I was so excited for our day.  

Then came lunchtime.

Mommy became frazzled, just as the cartoon pictures.  I was overwhelmed with the mess of the kitchen and making everyone's lunch and the baby just wouldn't stop crying, I guess she wanted to eat or something.  So then mommy became very very tired.  I should have known then to take a break. But I didn't, I kept on because I just wanted to be done.  Which from past history, I know is the worst mindset to have as a homeschool parent so I have no clue why I didn't recognize it.

So after lunch, and all the cleanup, we continued on with our schoolwork.  Baby was finally asleep so this should be easier, right?  No, not so much...it just got worse because mommy was tired and mommy should have taken a break!  I noticed myself becoming more and more agitated with the kids and my anger growing with every act of disobedience. 

Finally when I found my self yelling at my son to stop doing something I had just told him not to do, I knew then it was time to stop school work for awhile.

So you know what I did?  I went to my bedroom and laid face down and cried.  I felt like the absolute worse mom in the world and an even worse homeschool mom.  I laid there and just rested for about 15 minutes or so, almost falling asleep, while I heard my 3 blessings in the kitchen playing an alphabet bingo game and addition puzzle together.

Then I thought of something.  I am sure I can't be the only homeschool parent who has let their oldest child teach the children for awhile while mommy regains her strength (and her sanity in my case).  Really, what is it hurting?  He is learning a lot of patience in working with his siblings (our oldest is almost 8) while the other 2 (6 years and 5) are learning things probably far more advanced then I would be teaching them. 

So tell me homeschool parents....have you ever come to this?  Letting your oldest child/children teach the younger for an afternoon?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this.  

And remember, I am being REAL with you, so please no judging.  Not all our days will be this way :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Switching it up....

We had a wonderful school day today

 And no, not because we actually did some crafts and used our scissors

And not because we made tepees (although that was extra fun)

 And no not because we took lots of pictures today of our tepees.

Today was wonderful because :
1. I started my day in the word. Even when my almost 2 year old woke me up at 5am this morning, I still took the time at 7am to sit down and be with Him before we really started our day.
2. We totally flipped our schedule!!  I know probably a lot of you newbie homeschoolers (that includes myself) are probably yelling NO don't do that! But really, I say why not?
     We started out the school year doing "circle time" or together time first and then in the afternoon, while baby was napping we would do our individual time with mommy, one on one, one at a time.  Well that worked okay for the first couple weeks but then I noticed the together time around the table was becoming very stressful with the baby there.  Before we knew it she was standing on the table, center of attention!  So my thinking was it had to be the schedule, so I flipped it.
     We then made together time while the baby was sleeping and individual time in the morning.  And again this had worked okay for the last few weeks but last week and some the week before I was noticing that it was really stressing me out and I was becoming frustrated and almost angry with the kids.  Libby, the baby, would be running around grabbing all sorts of different toys, taking whatever food she could reach, and come up the stairs from our basement with pen marker all over her body, all while I was trying to have that individual important time with that one child that I never ended up getting.
     So here we are back to square one.  I changed our schedule back!  We get up in the mornings, have breakfast, clean up our breakfasts, do our few daily chores (making beds, brushing teeth, getting dressed etc.) and then we come back together for "circle time".  And I also have made a change to our circle time. I completely took out one thing we were doing for calender, which was more of independent lots of writing work, and we now just do it all together on the board.  I believe this has truly helped my sanity as well!  Then we will have lunch, clean up, and I will put Libby down for a nap.  Once she is down for her nap we do our reading assignments, and then they each get 30 minutes individually with mommy to work on their math, language arts, handwriting and spelling.   
     Now will everyday go as smoothly and great as today?  No, I can promise you it will not!  But I now know I have a structure that is working for the time being and hey if a few months down the road it isn't working anymore you know what I will do?  SWITCH IT UP AGAIN!  
     Don't be afraid to change things homeschool mommas, that is the beauty of homeschooling, we have that freedom.  It won't damage us or our kids to switch things up, it just keeps things alive.  And who knows maybe it will also help our kids be able to accept change easier, just maybe.
    Lastly I just wanted to leave a couple more pics of M and Libby since there weren't many in the first few of them both.  Oh what fun they had today! 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Apples for Apples

Really great activities here if you are studying apples or reading the book Johnny Appleseed.   We are going to probably start this book in the next few weeks.
Johnny Appleseed Activities - Apple SmilesHow To Homeschool My Child

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Goods and the Bads

So we have really had a flip-flop of days here!  We started the week off horribly yesterday , everyone tired, lots of work to do and no one wanting to do it. Everyone was talking to ME at one time, including the baby screaming and by 11am mommy was absolutely exhausted!  As many of you probably know, once mommy gets exhausted then things seem to keep getting worse. Is that the same for you?  Mommy started yelling much more than she should and we almost lost the joy in it all.  But we pushed through and finally finished our day at 3:30 (with breaks all throughout the day).  I was an emotional wreck by the end of the night and not worth being around. Honestly though, we did have fun (played bird-watching card game, made a lapbook etc) but we could have had much more joy.
Now move forward to today, a complete 180!  I started my day in the word AND I took the time to pray for the day.  Even with my 1 year old and 7 year old beside me, I still made sure I took the time out to pray. My prayer was simple, "Lord thank you for another day and please use the Holy Spirit in me to get me through this day joyfully."  And so far today has been very joyful.  We have enjoyed learning.  We went outside and read our History and we enjoyed God's creation.  We are now (at 1:15pm) finished with our "normal" school work and have the rest of the day to enjoy each other. 
So what I am really saying here is some encouragement homeschoolers.  You may have the worst homeschool day ever and go to bed feeling guilty about how you behaved that day and feeling like a failure BUT remember there is still tomorrow!  His grace is made new every day and I am so thankful for that. Thankful for this new day to start over. Did I still get angry at one point today, well yes I did, that is real!  But all in all we were happy and joyful and enjoyed learning. 
Keep pressing on homeschool moms and dads, each day is NEW.  And dont forget to start your day in prayer.
What works for you when you are having a rough HS day?  Do you take time out to regroup? If so what do you do in that time?  Or are you like me and behave the wrong way and try and just get the day/school over with?  I really wish now that I had taken some time out to regroup.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's be real......

Welcome to my newest blogging adventure!  My first and main blog, Simplify Your Family, has been around for more than two years and I believe it has been a blessing to me and many others.  Now my family is in a new season of our life, the big H word, Homeschooling.  Before I started this new adventure, while I was still pondering it and praying about it (and honestly telling God NO for a couple years), I came across some really great blogs about homeschooling.  Some of those blogs and websites were wonderful and really encouraged and motivated me, while others just made me feel like I wasn't doing enough or gave me the vision that homeschooling was going to be perfect, beautiful and just like the pictures in magazines.  But you know what, that is not homeschooling in any way!  Yes we have a wonderful beautiful days, but from the outside they probably don't look so beautiful.  We also have our rough, emotional, stressful, don't-think-I-can-take-it-anymore days and that is the reason I have created this blog.  To be real, honest, down to earth with you all about homeschooling.  Hopefully we can all laugh, cry, love and support each other through this idea of being real.  Because in the end that is what we all need right?  We need to see each other through every moment of life, not just the good ones and not just the bad either.  So I pray this blog can be a nice balance of both and bring us together and grow our homeschools that much stronger.

So, homeschool mommas, how was your school day today?  Be honest, transparent and real and I promise to be the same with you :)